金宝萝青102木瓜 C. speciosa ‘Luoqing 102' 良种编号:鲁 S-SV-CS-025-2007 落叶灌木 ,株 高 2.5m , 树皮青灰色平滑 ,枝条平展。果实卵形,有突脐,具黄褐色斑点,成熟浅黄色,果面光滑,具 2-3 条深沟,有香味, 单果均重 400 - 500 g , 最大 1500g ,栽后一年成花,三年丰产,五年生亩产 6000kg 以上。果肉厚,淡黄色,无纤维,汁液多。花期 4 月,果期 9 月。 耐贮藏,色香味俱佳,是鲜食及加工果汁 、 罐头 、 果酱的优质原料。 优点:树型优美,产量高,果实大,座果率高,果均匀,果品质量好,抗病虫能力强,药食兼用。总酸含量 3.5g / 100g ,总糖 2.3g / 100g , 氨基酸总量 0.31%, 齐墩果酸 66.2mg/ 100g , 熊果酸 31.9mg/ 100g , VC 含量 129.0mg/ 100g 。 Jinbao Luoqing 102 Chaenomeles C. speciosa ‘Luoqing102' Its code of improved seedling: Lu S-SV-CS-025-2007 Deciduous shrub, the height up to 2.5m , blue-gray, smooth bark with flat branches. Ovall fruit with brown spots, a small umbilical hernica. when it is mature, it is light yellow. It surface is smooth with 2-3 deep grooves and one scent. Usually the single fruit weight is 400 -500g , the largest is 1500g . After planted one year, it will flowering; Three years later, it will be high-yielding; five-year Chaenomeles yield 6000kg /0.16acre. The flesh is thick, light yellow, no fiber, much juice. Flowering in March, the fruit period is in September, anti-storage. Its color, aroma and taste is so great that can be used for the fresh fruit, processed juice, canned food, jam as raw materials with high quality. Advantages: beautiful morphology, big fruit, high fruit set, uniformity fruit, great quality, strong resistance to diseases, food and medicine use either. The content of total acid is 3.5g / 100g , 2.3g / 100g total sugar, 0.31% amino acids, 66.2mg/ 100g oleanolic acid, 31.9mg/ 100g ursolic acid, 129.0mg/ 100g VC.