金宝红粉佳人木瓜 金宝红粉佳人木瓜 C.speciosa‘Hongfenjiaren' 落叶灌木,株高 50 -60cm ;枝条广开,有刺;小枝圆柱形,微弯曲,无毛,紫褐色,有疏生浅褐色皮孔。初生叶红褐色,成熟叶墨绿色,卵形,先端急尖,长 3 -6cm , 宽 1.5 -3cm ; 叶缘尖锐锯齿;叶柄细而短,长约 0.5cm ; 花簇生,每簇 2-3 朵,与叶同期开放;萼筒广漏斗状,外部有条状皱纹;花冠绯红色,花丝白色,花药鲜黄色,花瓣 20-25 枚,雌蕊发育不良;具芳香。不结果或者结果早落。萌芽期 3 月中旬;初花期 4 月上中旬;盛花期 4 月中旬;落花期 4 月底至 5 月上旬,花期 30 天左右。 Jinbao Hongfen Jiaren C.speciosa‘Hongfenjiaren' Deciduous shrub, 50 -60cm plant height, prickly branches; buckling sprig, cylindrical, no villi, purple-brown, with thinning light brown lenticels. Newborn leaves are reddish-brown, then dark-green at mature, the tip of oval leaves is acute, 3 -6cm length, 1.5 -3cm width; acute serrated leaf edge; thin and short petiole, about 0.5cm length; F lowers are formed with clusters, one of which has 2-3 flowers in two-year trees, flowers and leaves bloom at the same time ; wide funnel-shaped calyx tube, on the external there are strip wrinkles; crimson corolla, white filaments, bright-yellow anthers, about 20-25 petals, pistil dysplasia; fragrant. No fruiting or fruitings fall early. Germination period in mid-March; the early flowering stage in early and mid-April; full flowering stage in mid-April; falling phase from the end of April to early May; about 30 days of flowering.