金宝萝青105木瓜C.cathayensis‘Jinbaoluoqing105' 落叶小乔木。树高可达 5m ,树皮青褐色,枝条直立具短刺;叶片长 5 -11cm ,宽 2 -4cm , 叶背密被褐色绒毛;花先叶开放, 2-6 朵簇生于 2 年生枝上,花梗短粗或无,花径 2 -4cm ;果实圆柱形,单果质量 500 -1000g ,黄色光亮,味芳香,花期 3-4 月,果 9-10 月成熟。 优点:树形优美,生长能力强,座果率高,果品质量好,抗病能力强,是加工果汁、果脯、罐头的优质原料。 Jinbao Luoqing 105 C.cathayensis‘Jinbaoluoqing105' Deciduous shrub, the height up to 5m , green-brown bark, The upright branches with short thorns, the length of blade about 5 -11cm , 2 -4 cm width, there are dense brown villi in the oryza. Before leaves blooming flowers are formed with clusters, one of which has 2-6 flowers in two-year trees; short and thick pedicel or little pedicel, 2 -4cm of flower diameter; cylindrical fruit, The weight of single fruit is 500 -1000g , yellow and light, rich fragrances, Flowering from March to April, the mature from September to October. Advantages: beautiful morphology, strong growing, high fruit set , great quality, strong resistance to diseases, one high-quality raw materials processing preserved fruit.