金宝牡丹皇后木瓜 金宝牡丹皇后木瓜 C.speciosa‘Mudan huanghou' 落叶灌木,高可达 2.5m ,树皮浅褐色平滑,有白色斑点。花与叶同期开放, 5-6 朵簇生于二年生枝,花木短粗,花瓣近圆形,重瓣,花蕾桔红色,含苞待放为黄白色,花色渐变为粉色、粉红色,多重色,直径 6 -7cm ,胜似牡丹,花期自 3 月下旬至 4 月中旬,有极高的观赏价值。 Jinbao Mudan huanghou C.speciosa‘Mudan huanghou' Deciduous shrub, the height up to 2.5m , light-brown bark with white spots. Flowers and leaves bloom at the same time, f lowers are formed with clusters, one of which has 5-6 flowers in two-year trees; short and thick stem, red petals nearly circular, Triple-whorled flower, orange buds gradually change into yellow-white, pink, multi-color. 3 -4cm diameter. It likes peony but are more beautiful than peony. Flowering from late March to mid-April, high ornamental value.