金宝萝青 106 木瓜 C. speciosa ‘Luoqing106' 良种编号:国S-SV-CS-032-2011 鲁 S-SV-CS-026-2007 落叶灌木 , 高可达 2.6m , 树皮黄褐色平滑 。枝条平展,有刺,稀少,具疏生褐色皮孔。花与叶同期开放, 2-4 朵簇生于二年生枝;花瓣近圆形,花边顶端红色。果实长卵形,有不明显突脐,幼果深绿色,有乳白或黄褐色斑点,向阳面红色,成熟黄绿色,果面光滑,棱不明显,有香味, 单果均重 450 - 550g , 最大 2000g , 5 年生亩产 6500kg 以上。果肉厚 2.3cm ,白色,汁液多。花期 4 月上旬,果期 9-10 月。抗逆性强,丰产性好, 耐贮藏,色香味俱佳,是鲜食及加工果汁 、 罐头 、 果酱的优质原料。 优点:树型整齐,产量高,果实大,座果率高,不落果,果品质量好,抗病虫能力强,药食兼用。总酸含量 2.6g / 100g ,总糖含量 2.7g / 100g , 氨基酸总量 0.48%, 齐墩果酸 3.8mg/ 100g , 熊果酸 41.3mg/ 100g , VC 含量 72.8mg/ 100g . Jinbao Luoqing 106 Chaenomeles C. speciosa ‘Luoqing106' Its code of improved seedling:GuoS-SV-CS-032-2011 Lu S-SV-CS-026-2007 Deciduous shrub, the height up to 2.6m , tawny smooth bark, flat branches have loose brown lenticels with barbs. Flowers and leaves bloom at the same time, f lowers are formed with clusters, one of which has 2-4 flowers in two-year trees; petals are nearly circular with red edge on the top. The fruit is oval with obvious umbilical hernica, young fruit are dark-green with cream or brown spots, the sunny side is red, after ripe become yellow-green. Smooth surface, not obvious edge, fragrant. The weight of single fruit is 450 -550g , the biggest is 2000g , 5 year-old can yield more than 6500kg / 0.16acre. The thickness of flesh is 2.3cm , white, much juice. Flowering in early April, the period of fruit from September to October. Strong resistance, high yield, good resistance to storage, its color, aroma and taste is so great that can be used for the fresh fruit, processed juice, canned food, jam as raw materials with high quality. Advantages: beautiful morphology, big fruit, high fruit set, no a bscission, great quality, strong resistance to diseases, food and medicine use either. The content of total acid is 2.6g / 100g , 2.7g / 100g total sugar, 0.48% amino acids, 3.8mg/ 100g oleanolic acid, 41.3mg/ 100g ursolic acid, 72.8mg/ 100g VC.金宝萝青106木瓜树