山东亚特公司从2006年开始对西藏木瓜种质资源进行调查,收集、保存,进行野生变种培育研究,取得丰硕研究成果,目前已培育4个品种100万株以上。 西藏木瓜(Chaenomeles thibetica Yü)分布于西藏的林芝、波密,罗布林卡等地区,生长于海拔2200~3000m的灌木林中,栽培于海拔3760m的拉萨。西藏木瓜具有很高的食用、药用、观赏价值,又有良好的水土保持功能。 形态特征:灌木或小乔木;高达2.5-5米;通常多刺;刺锥形;长1—1.5厘米;小枝屈曲,圆柱形;有光泽,红褐色或紫褐色,多年生枝条黑褐色,散生长圆形皮孔;冬芽三角卵形,红褐色,先端急尖,有少数鳞片,在先端或鳞片边缘微有褐色柔毛。叶片革质,卵状披针形或长圆披针形,长6.5—8.5厘米,宽1.6—3.5厘米,先端急尖,摹部楔形,全缘,上面深绿色,中脉与侧脉均微下陷,下面密被褐色绒毛,中脉及侧脉均显著突起;叶柄粗短,长1—1.6厘米,托叶大形,草质,近镰刀形或近肾形,长约1厘米,宽约1.2厘米,边缘有不整齐锐锯齿,稀钝锯齿,上面无毛,下面被褐色绒毛。花3—4朵簇生;花柱5,基部合生,并密被灰白色柔毛。果实梨形,圆形或椭圆形,长6—11厘米,直径5—9厘米,黄色,味香;萼片宿存,反折,三角卵形,先端急尖,长约2毫米;种子多数,扁平,三角卵形,长约1厘米,宽约0.6厘米,深褐色。单果重达300-600克,色泽金黄,肉质脆嫩,营养丰富,风味酸香,耐贮藏。 Shandong Yate Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., began to investigate, collect and save the Chaenomeles thibetica germplasm resources, went into the wild varietas breeding research from 2006. Now we have made fruitful results and cultivated four varieties more than 1 million strains. Chaenomeles thibetica Yü is distributed in nyingchi, bome, norbulingka and other regions inTibet, grown between 2200 ~ 3000 meters in the shrubbery, cultivation within 3760 meters of Lhasa. Chaenomeles thibetica has the very high edible, medicinal, ornamental value, and has the good function of soil and water conservation. Morphological characteristics: shrubs or small trees, high as 2.5 to 5 meters, usually spiny, Thorn cone-shape and 1to 1.5 meters. Branchlets buckling and cylindrical-shape, reddish brown, or maroon, or dark brown in perennial. Winter buds triangular ovate, reddish brown, apex acute, there are a few scales. Leaf blade leathery, lanceolate or long round oval lanceolate, 6.5—8.5 cm long, 1.6—3.5 cm wide, dark green above, midrib and lateral vein are sinking, densely brown villous of the below, midrib and lateral veins were significantly raised. Petiole short, 1—1.6 cm long. Stipule leathery, nearly kidney-shaped, about 1 cm long, 1.2 cm wide, margin with irregular sharp blade, glabrous above, the following are brown fluff. 3 or 4 flowers tufted; Styles 5, base fasciations, and densely covered with grayish white fluff. Fruit pear-shaped, circular or elliptic, 6 to11 cm long, 5 to 9 cm in diam., yellow, taste sweet; Sepals triangular ovate, apex acute, 2 mm long. Seeds mostly flat, triangular ovate, about 1 cm long, 0.6 cm wide, dark brown. Single fruit weighs 300-600 grams, golden color, succulent crisp, rich nutrition, flavour acid sweet, resistant storage.  西藏木瓜
西藏木瓜果 西藏金宝401木瓜C.thibetica'Xizangjinbao401'西藏金宝401木瓜梨果型
西藏金宝401木瓜 西藏金宝402木瓜C.thibetica'Xizangjinbao402'西藏金宝402木瓜圆果型
西藏金宝402木瓜 西藏金宝403木瓜C.thibetica'Xizangjinbao403'西藏金宝403木瓜短梨果型
西藏金宝403木瓜 西藏金宝404木瓜C.thibetica'Xizangjinbao404'西藏金宝404木瓜椰圆型