金宝亚特203木瓜树 金宝亚特203木瓜C.sinensis‘Jinbaoyate 203' 落叶乔木,高可达 6m ,树皮青褐色光滑,小枝无刺,叶片卵圆形,花单生于叶腋,先叶开放,果实球形,果梗突出。单果质量 500 -900g ,金黄色,味异香,花期 4 月,果实 11 月成熟,观赏价值高。 Jinbao Yate203 C.sinensis‘Jinbaoyate 203' Deciduous tree, the plant height to 6m , blue-brown smooth bark, sprig with no thorns, oval leaves, single flowers grow in axil and bloom before leaves. The weight of single fruit is 500 -900g , the shape of fruit like a ball with an unique fragrance, the color is golden, the fruit stalk breaks out. Flowering in April, ripe fruit in November with high ornamental value.